KHS FFA Ag Sales Team

Over the weekend, Killdeer FFA traveled to Fargo to compete in the Little "I" contest at NDSU and the Kindred Alumni contest in Kindred. Even though the weather modified our plans a little bit, it was a successful weekend of competition and team bonding on the long bus ride. Individual results from both contests are with each picture.

Little "I" Ag Sales Team (Back Row, L to R): Faith Norby, Jude Dukart, Erin McFadden, Tate Simmons
(Front Row, L to R): Leah Duttenhefner, Kia Rohde
(Not Pictured): Abby Sadowsky
The team took 2nd at the contest, and Faith Norby was high individual

Little "I" Livestock Team (Back Row, L to R): Abby Hardersen, Morgan Smith, Shay Burian, Kacee Wasem, Shawna Burian
(Front Row, L to R): Tessa Dvorak, Audrey Dvorak, Hailey Klym
The team took 2nd at the contest, and Kacee Wasem placed in the top 10

Kindred Ag Sales Team (Back Row, L to R): Faith Norby, Jude Dukart, Erin McFadden, Tate Simmons
(Front Row, L to R): Leah Duttenhefner, Kia Rohde
The team took 2nd at the contest, and Faith Norby was second high individual

Kindred Livestock Team (Back Row, L to R): Kacee Wasem, Abby Hardersen, Morgan Smith, Tessa Dvorak, Shay Burian
(Front Row, L to R): Audrey Dvorak, Hailey Klym, Shawna Burian
The team took 3rd at the contest, and Shay Burian was fourth high individual

Little "I" and Kindred Agronomy Contestant Danielle Dobitz
Danielle placed in the top 10 at both contests