Group of Students at Hill Top Sign

Our Killdeer High School students braved the rain last Wednesday, May 11th in an effort to complete community service hours across our school and community.  From painting nails in a senior living home, to washing buses, to scrubbing bleachers, to packaging up books and prepping the library to be moved, our students divided up with high school staff members and completed their service hours.  

This annual community service day is organized by our counseling department: Mrs. Vettel, Mrs. Schmidt, and Ms. Martin.  It is a wonderful way to give back to our school and community, but it also helps students fulfill the community service requirement for the Choice Ready framework as part of our state's effort to make sure our students graduate ready for College, Career, or Military.  

Thank you to everyone who participated and for your continued support of our school!  Here are some pictures of students hard at work: