Elementary Girls Basketball

August 2022 

Dear PARENTS 4th, 5th and 6th Grade girls interested in Playing Elementary Basketball: 

We hope everyone is having a great summer break and you are getting ready to play some basketball. Our goal in the elementary program is to help each athlete build personal confidence, learn the game, develop fundamental skills AND play to have fun! Remember, we are all at different skill levels and as a member of a team we are patient and supportive of each other. Your job as an athlete is to try and improve the skills you already have and be open to learning new ones. It is especially important to understand that “winning” is not the priority of our Elementary Basketball program. 

 Here are some expectations and helpful things to keep in mind throughout our upcoming season: 

  •  Girls’ Elementary program is open to 4th, 5th, and 6th Grade girls. While the games are scheduled for 5th and 6th graders, it is a wonderful time for 4th graders to give the sport a try and participate in practice. We try to give the 4th graders a little game experience throughout our short season. We will keep you posted as to how we plan to work that out based on the number of 5th and 6th grade athletes. 
  • Practice times are 3:15pm – 5:30pm unless otherwise directed. Put long hair back in a ponytail. Bring water bottles. Must have basketball shoes or tennis shoes for inside use only, also an extra pair of tennis shoes for wearing outside (we will be walking/running to the HPCC basketball courts) and be sure to wear socks with your basketball shoes.  You will need a sports physical by August 25.  Please find the necessary forms on the Killdeer School Website. https://www.killdeer.k12.nd.us/documents/athletics/243459 
  • If you will not be at a practice, please let a coach know so we are not spending practice time looking for you.  Excused absences are understandable and acceptable; parents can write a note or give either of the coaches a message. Keep in mind, if we are not told you will be absent, it is considered an unexcused absence and may result in reduced or no playing time in the next scheduled game. When you commit to basketball, it is a team sport, your team needs you and it is your job to be responsible. 
  • Keeping your grades up is necessary. Coach Doe and Coach Olson will stay posted with 4th, 5th, and 6th grade teachers throughout the season. Please read the athlete grade requirements that are found in the student handbook. A Sport contract will be sent with the athletes after the first practice.   
  • Killdeer Elementary Students are truly fortunate to have multiple choices for extracurricular choices. We do not discourage participation in multiple sports, but please keep in mind that basketball is a team sport. Missed basketball practices could affect game “playing” time. If you have any questions or concerns about your child participating in multiple sports at the same time, please talk to the coaches. All extracurricular programs appreciate participation, and the coaches are very willing to work together. 

We try to reach everyone through information we have at school. Please talk amongst friends to be sure our elementary girls’ basketball info gets out to everyone. We look forward to a fun season!  

We will be sending correspondence through a communication app called Remind . Please add your contact number as soon as possible to keep informed of practice changes, game events and general information we send out through our short season. 

Simply send a text to this number 81010 and type this message @2022elemg to join our 2022 Elem GBB group. EASY! 


Text BoxSincerely, 

Coach Olson and Coach Doe 

Contact information: Coach Doe or Coach Olson at Killdeer School 764-5877  

1st Practice will be: Thurs. August 25th from 3:30-5:30pm at the HPCC gym  

Additional game and practice information will also be given at our first practice.