Killdeer participated in the Northern International Livestock Expo (NILE) on Monday in Billings, MT. There were 312 contestants in the FFA senior livestock judging division. Abby Hardersen placed 9th overall. There were 70 Teams in the FFA senior Livestock Judging Division and Killdeer was 14th.
Of the 41 contestants in the senior 4H Livestock Judging Divison, Shyenna Burian placed 3rd place overall and Audrey Dvorak took 27th place. Congratulations to all!!
The Elementary Staff had a chili cook-off this week! Third place went to the 6th grade team, second place was Michelle Simmons and FIRST place was Kylee Thormahlen.🥇🧡.
6th grade Social Studies classes practicing their map skills!
Cowboy Shout-Outs:
Students, Abby Cook and Katelyn Dukart
"Thanks for being amazing classmates and helping during Science class."
Red Ribbon Week October 23rd-27th. SADD will be handing out bracelets Monday morning.
Mr Jepson's Advanced Biology students and Mr Leier's ENR students participated in a learning trip to the Garrison Adam National Fish Hatchery today. It was a great experience!
On Saturday, October 14th, ten 5th and 6th grade students from Killdeer Elementary attended the Surround the State in Song Children's Choral Festival in Dickinson. They joined 101 students from 13 different schools to practice together and perform a concert. These students worked very hard and did a wonderful job. We are so proud of them!
KHS Music is selling wreaths now through Oct 30th. Wreaths will arrive the week of Nov 13th. If you would like to order please call the HS, payment is due on delivery.
The Killdeer Cowboys football team has advanced to the first round of playoffs! The game will be held at @ Des Lacs at 12:00 MST on Saturday, Oct 21.
Bus will leave at 8 am.
Game will be at Des Lacs Burlington High School.
*REMINDER this is a NDHSAA contest and all NDHSAA ticket prices and rules will be followed.
Cupcake War in Mrs. Klatt's 8th grade class!
Regional Cross Country had a great day!!! Abby Hardersen placed 4th and Addie Miller was 5th. Jekori and Nekori Dahlen both placed in the top 20 in the boys division and Coach Horgeshimer was named the Girls Region Coach of the year!! The Girls placed 2nd as a team and the Boys were 4th. Proud of all of our runners and their accomplishments!! 🧡🖤
Second grade at the Fire Station!
Mikayla Lee is the AAA Killdeer Safety Patrol Member of the week. She is working hard to keep her younger peers safe on the playground and in the hallways at school. Thank you for your dedication to the patrol.
Jessica Howling Wolf, Sierra Spotted Bear, Melanie Angel Moniz, and Jessica White Plume helped the elementary celebrate Indigenous People Day. Thank you for sharing the day with us!
Mrs. McCormick received a grant from Marathon Oil in the amount of $2,500. Her science classes will be planting produce with plans to feed the elementary lunchroom. Congratulations Mrs. McCormick!!
First Grade had a blast at the Pumpkin Patch this week. 🎃
It was a beautiful day for our Cross Country runners in Rugby today.
Jekori Dahlen took 6th place and
Nekori Dahlen took 12th place. For the girls, Abby Hardersen took 6th and Addie Miller placed 1st.
Congratulations to our runners!!
JH GBB starts Oct 23rd!
Cowboy Shout-Outs:
Students, Layna Dvorak and Tinlee Griffiths
"Helping someone new on the bus to help make it a good experience"
Mrs. Helfrich's 6th Grade Class
"Great job making good choices and being kind to each other!"
Cowboy Shout-Outs:
Staff, Janell Jepson
"For being there to help out the kindergarten teachers at coronation and the pep rally. We appreciate you!"
Student, Colt Denis
"For complimenting a fellow student on what she was building during S.T.E.M time."
Students, Hayden Schmidt and Kimber Griffiths
"Bringing in and hanging up all the jackets left on the playground! Thanks Girls!!!!"
Student, Ryder Olson
"For always being kind to his classmates and helping them out when they need it"
Student, Isabella Schaper
"For being a good friend to everyone"