Special shout out to Takoda Benson, Grade 2, for assisting Mr. Simmons during the fire drill this afternoon. He got a sneak peek at what is happening inside the building when everyone else has exited.
about 3 years ago, Mrs. Schneider
Mr Simmons and Takoda Benson
Our students and staff lined the halls this morning to send our wrestlers off to State with a dose of Cowboy spirit!
about 3 years ago, Mrs. Schneider
students lining the halls
The Cowboys Wrestled TOUGH today! We had 6 finalists and 10 qualifiers for the state tournament.Jace Andersen was region champ. Dean Dumas,Tucker Bohmbach,Noah Jepson,Colter Thormahlen,and Ben Roundy were runner ups. Cody Simmons, Ashton Frei, and Birch Bang took third. Elijah Ramos took fourth. Wyatt LaPierre, William Roundy and Christian Ramos took fifth. As a team we finished 3rd in the region. We head to state in Fargo Wednesday, and we will Wrestle Thursday and Friday in the individual tournament. So proud of our cowboys!
about 3 years ago, Mrs. Schneider
jace andersen region champ in wrestling
Results from the JHBB tournament on Friday and Sat in Richardton. Coach Schleppenbach and 7th graders took 4th in the 7th grade division and Coach Johnsen’s 8th graders took the championship in 8th grade division. Both teams battled tough and played well. Both coaches are very proud of the work these kids have put in.
about 3 years ago, Mrs. Schneider
8th Grade Boys Basketball
7th grade boys basketball
There is still time to nominate an outstanding teacher in Dunn County! Who is your favorite teacher at KPS? The North Dakota Teacher of the Year Program celebrates the work of teachers in pre-k through grade 12. The nomination period closes on Feb. 13, and county winners will have the opportunity to apply to be considered for the 2023 North Dakota Teacher of the Year Award. To nominate a teacher, fill out this short form: https://bit.ly/3zrpyfR
about 3 years ago, Mrs. Schneider
ND County Teacher of the Year
Our JV girls are warming up for their 5:30 game. Varsity girls will be facing off with Richardton-Taylor at 7 pm. Come out and cheer on the Cowboys! A special shout out to all the parents tonight... our student athletes appreciate all your support at home and in the stands!
about 3 years ago, Mrs. Schneider
girls basketball warming up
Our 8th grade boys are in action against Richardton-Taylor tonight! Go Cowboys!
about 3 years ago, Mrs. Schneider
8th grade boys basketball
Who is your favorite teacher at KPS? ND Department of Public Instruction is now accepting nominations for 2022 North Dakota County Teachers of the Year! Nominations can be completed by ANYBODY - parents, teachers, administrators, and community members. The North Dakota Teacher of the Year Program celebrates the work of teachers in pre-k through grade 12. The nomination period closes on Feb. 13, and county winners will have the opportunity to apply to be considered for the 2023 North Dakota Teacher of the Year Award. To nominate a teacher, fill out this short form: https://bit.ly/3zrpyfR
about 3 years ago, Mrs. Schneider
ND County Teacher of the Year
Our HOSA chapter invited Stacy Schaffer to address our 7th-9th graders and our 10th-12th graders at a Human Trafficking Assembly today. Ms. Schaffer is representing the 31:8 Project and was invited as part of the Human Trafficking Awareness month. Our HOSA members are also extending the Bravery Backpack drive through next Wednesday.
about 3 years ago, Mrs. Schneider
10th - 12th grade assembly
HOSA members with Stacy Shaffer from Project 31:8
7th-9th grade assembly
Day 2 at Nationals and our girls are doing a great job!
about 3 years ago, Mrs. Schneider
cheerleaders at Nationals
cheerleaders at Nationals
cheerleaders at Nationals
KHS Cheerleaders and coach
More pictures from Nationals in Dallas!
about 3 years ago, Mrs. Schneider
cheerleaders at Nationals
cheerleaders at Nationals
cheerleaders at Nationals
cheerleaders at Nationals
Our Cowboy cheerleaders rocked the stage on Day 1 of Nationals. Way to go, ladies!
about 3 years ago, Mrs. Schneider
khs cheer on stage at Nationals
The KHS wrestling tournament is underway... Come out & support your favorite wrestler! Veterans get in free as part of the Salute to Service hosted by the Killdeer Cowboy Booster Club. We thank all Veterans for their service!
about 3 years ago, Mrs. Schneider
wrestling matches in main gym
salute to service shirt
Come out and support Killdeer Cowboy Wrestling this weekend. Tonight Killdeer faces off in dual matches taking on Harding County at 5:00pm and Harvey at 6:15pm. Tomorrow is our annual home tournament with 17 teams attending. This will also be Killdeer will also be hosting girls division at the tournament for the first time. Wrestling begins at 9:00am. Good luck grapplers and Go Cowboys!
about 3 years ago, Mrs. Schneider
KHS wrestling team
Best of luck to our Cowboy cheerleaders who are off to Nationals in Texas! Our community sent them off to competition Killdeer style with students & staff lining the halls an our first responders escorting the bus out of town. We are so proud of you, ladies! Go show everyone your Cowboy pride!
about 3 years ago, Mrs. Schneider
Cowboy cheerleaders on the bus
Escorts leading the bus through town
Cowboy Cheerleaders by bus
Thank you to KPTA for hosting a fun evening of Bingo for Books at the HPCC tonight. We had a full house and full tummies with delicious Tacos in a Bag. Special shout out to Ellie Papineau and AFLAC for providing the reusable Bingo cards!
about 3 years ago, Mrs. Schneider
Room full of tables and families playing Bingo
Bingo Card
Just a reminder about Bingo for Books tonight at HPCC! 5:30-7:30 See you there!
about 3 years ago, Mrs. Schneider
Bingo for Books Flyer
Reminder: Tonight is the 2nd game during the Cowboy Booster Club Salute to Service! We will be recognizing all active service military and veterans before the Varsity game vs Trinity tonight. Be sure to wear your Salute to Service shirts!
about 3 years ago, Mrs. Schneider
salute to service shirt
salute to service description
SGT Brandon Stockie(Dickinson PD) and SRO Avalos (Dunn County SO) trained our entire district staff today in ALICE for response to active shooters. Safety is a top priority for everyone in KPS. #SeeSomethingSaySomething
about 3 years ago, Mrs. Schneider
Avalos addressing staff
Our 5th and 6th grade science students welcomed Sarah Duttenhefner, Dunn County Emergency Manager, on Thursday to talk about winter preparation and safety. We love having community members share their expertise with our students. Thank you for taking the time to visit, Mrs. Duttenhefner!
about 3 years ago, Mrs. Schneider
woman talking to students