*Cowboy Swag Alert* You can get your hands on this Cowboys Beanie OR a black Cowboys Sport-Tek headband! Get your order in at the front office. Beanies - $15 and Headbands - $5. Payment due at time of Delivery - Noon on Friday, Dec. 17th. Questions? Contact Embroidery Arts at 701-425-2320
about 3 years ago, Mrs. Schneider
Black head band and black orange white beanie
Did you know our staff promotes Health & Wellness for all of our Killdeer Community? Some of our teachers participated in a Turkey Trot yesterday after school. Not pictured are Andy Murphy and Suzie Pelton. We are thankful for our health! What are YOU thankful for? #CowboysMove
about 3 years ago, Mrs. Schneider
group of teachers in Turkey Trot
This week we are grateful for our Educational Support Staff and all of our Teachers! We appreciate the countless hours of time and energy they each commit to our community of learners. Thank you, Killdeer Public School!
over 3 years ago, Mrs. Schneider
American Education Week promo banner
Check out the gallery of images from our recent Playground Grand Opening here: https://www.killdeer.k12.nd.us/page/playground-grand-opening-gallery
over 3 years ago, Mrs. Schneider
Best of luck to our Cowboy Cheerleaders who are competing at state today! We are so proud of you and know you will represent our Cowboy Pride so well! #KilldeerCheer #CowboyPride
over 3 years ago, Mrs. Schneider
competition info
Cowboy cheerleaders
group picture
Cowboy Cheer seniors
Check out the Girls Basketball Clothing and Apparel Fundraiser! Sale runs from now until Nov 21st. https://stores.logomagicinc.com/cowboysbasketball/shop/home
over 3 years ago, Mrs. Schneider
Coming soon to a theater near you: Rodgers & Hammerstein's Cinderella presented by the KHS theater department. Showtimes: 5 pm - Sun Nov 14, 7 pm - Mon Nov 15 & Tues Nov 16 Tickets: Adults-$10 Students-$5 at the door (includes dessert) Venue: KPS Gym See you there!!!
over 3 years ago, Mrs. Schneider
rodger's & Hammerstein's Cinderella flyer
Jostens will be here Tomorrow, November 3rd, for retakes (8:00am-1:00pm). This is the last time Jostens will be at KPS. If you want your child to get retakes, you will need to make your child aware (or contact their teacher). If your child was absent on picture day or is new to KPS, they will need to get their photo taken tomorrow. If you haven't checked the Jostens website to view your child's picture, please do that ASAP (jostenspix.com). Our KPS event code is FE153821. If your child does not appear on your account, "find your child" and request an authorization code. I will authorize requests each morning. If you have any questions, please contact nicole.nowitzki@k12.nd.us
over 3 years ago, Mrs. Schneider
Picture retakes with logo
Mrs. Papineau and the Art Club had fun celebrating Dia de los Muertos (Day of the Dead) today. The students got to design and color sugar skulls and the room was decorated for the festivities.
over 3 years ago, Mrs. Schneider
Sugar Skull images on smart board
girl outlining sugar skull
girl coloring sugar skull
two students working on sugar skulls
School Phone Lines are currently down. We are working diligently to get them back up. Sorry for the inconvenience.
over 3 years ago, Mrs. Schneider
Happy Halloween from the Peanuts at Killdeer Public School!
over 3 years ago, Mrs. Schneider
Charlie Brown group in office
Peanuts cartoon
Hard to hide that Cowboy Spirit in the student section tonight! Our Cowboy Volleyball went head to head with Hettinger in our last home game of the season. #CowboysCompete
over 3 years ago, Mrs. Schneider
students cheering in bleachers
Are you looking for our Athletics events and sports schedules? Click on the Athletics button in our KPS mobile app to be taken directly to our activities calendar.
over 3 years ago, Mrs. Schneider
Athletics in menu
Athletics page
Jostens will be here the morning of November 3rd for retakes (8:00-1:00). This is the last time Jostens will be at KPS. If you want your child to get retakes, you will need to make your child aware (or contact their teacher). If your child was absent on picture day or is new to KPS, they will need to get their photo taken on November 3rd. If you haven't checked the Jostens website to view your child's picture, please do that ASAP (jostenspix.com). Our KPS event code is FE153821. If your child does not appear on your account, "find your child" and request an authorization code. I will authorize requests each morning. If you have any questions, please contact nicole.nowitzki@k12.nd.us
over 3 years ago, Mrs. Schneider
Picture Retakes
Early Release; Wednesday Oct. 27th. School will dismiss at 1:30pm.
over 3 years ago, Jenni Wallace
Early Release
Our students and teachers are excited to invite you to our Book Fair next week! Books bring us together! #KilldeerReads
over 3 years ago, Mrs. Schneider
group of students with books
teacher with three boys
Congratulations to Colby Asay & Shelbie Schmidt who were crowned Homecoming King & Queen at the Royal Coronation this afternoon. Congratulations to all the other students who were recognized as part of the festivities, as well! 
over 3 years ago, Mrs. Schneider
King & Queen
crown carriers
Coronation Program
Royal Court
Thank you to KPTA for hosting Pastries for Parents this morning. We had so much fun seeing all of the families enjoying donuts in our Wrestling Room. Thank you to all of our amazing parents who take part in school events! #KilldeerCares #KilldeerISCommunity #KPTA
over 3 years ago, Mrs. Schneider
two moms and donuts
room full of people
mom getting donuts
room with tables and families
Who do you think is an American Hero? Mrs. Wilz's 2nd grade students were working hard on their American Hero projects today. Not only are they learning about new people but they are practicing their reading & writing skills! #KilldeerAchieves #CowboysLearn
over 3 years ago, Mrs. Schneider
boy sitting with book
girl sitting at desk
boy writing at desk
girl sitting with book
Mr. Housel and a few of our KHS students presented two selections from Rodgers and Hanmerstein's Cinderella for our Board tonight. The musical will be presented at KHS on November 14, 15 & 16. Stay tuned for more info! #KilldeerPerforms #KilldeerSings #KilldeerDances
over 3 years ago, Mrs. Schneider
two students dancing
Mr Housel
two students dancing
two girls standing